About Zsuzsanna Ardó's teaching
“The artist and teacher, Zsuzsanna Ardó, mesmerised my children. My son declared that “She made me learn stuff.” When we visited his grandfather, a painter, he told him he knew how to draw a portrait.”
“Enthralling. Thought-provoking teaching by Zsuzsanna Ardó. Opened my eyes to Ruskin’s – and Zsuzsanna’s – deep concerns about the future of our planet. I wasn’t expecting this insight. Thank you for something special. Great fun. This is the way to learn: I wasn’t aware before . . .”
“It was great watching Zsuzsanna teaching classes at Fleetwood Museum. Their resulting self-portraiture was amazing, and the teaching was enjoyed by all. Thank you for all your hard work at the museum!”
“Creativity at the Wordsworth Trust. Visitors inspired by Zsuzsanna Ardó artist teaching under William Wordsworth’ watchful eye. The pictures show it to have been a great success.”
“Zsuzsanna Ardó’s pedagogical approach was extremely effective in enthusing the children to want to learn.”
“Her art teaching inspired people how to express themselves. I enjoyed every minute of it.”
“Zsuzsanna was teaching a variety of different people from all over the world, and they were thoroughly engaged with her teaching — well attended and I’m sure people got a lot out of it.”
“I found the teaching atmosphere very positive and inclusive. Also, I liked the fact that a common theme through the teaching generated so many different responses and artworks.”
“Zsuzsanna Ardó’s Polar self Portraits is a thought-provoking video installation that we hope will spark the viewers’ curiosity about Antarctica and the Arctic – and what these beautiful places mean for our everyday lives. ”
“It was really fun to do art in such a positive environment.”
“The Tears, Apples and Stones exhibition by Zsuzsanna Ardó was one of the most beautiful and moving installations to be shown in the Synagogue, currently the Contemporary Art Centre of the town. The delicate teardrops and glass apples, juxtaposed with stones, perfectly captured the spirit of the Synagogue’s tragic history and its present hopeful purpose.
This installation made a powerful impact on many levels. Many of the visitors commented on how moved they were to participate in picking and placing stones next to the apples.
It was a thoughtful exhibition that richly involved the emotions and the senses.”
— S. Kiss, Contemporary Art Centre/At Home Gallery, Co-Director/Curator
“Madame Zsuzsanna Ardó, artiste et commissaire d’exposition a permis à deux classes (40 enfants de 10/11 ans) de bénéficier d’une visite commentée de l’installation AEA.
J’ai pu constater des qualités pédagogiques de Mme Zsuzsanna Ardó a su capter l’attention des enfants sur un sujet complexe, être à leurs écoute. Elle a su transmettre des notions de respects et leur faire comprendre que l’art est aussi un moyen pertinent pour faire passer des idées.”
— D. Manet, Artist, Teacher, Curator, France
“Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre intervention avec les élèves de ma classe : c’était très intéressant et cela permet d’avoir les explications éclairées d’une artiste afin de mieux comprendre le message que voulaient transmettre les auteurs des tableaux. De plus, ils ont pu profiter de votre présence et voir en “chair et en os” une artiste parlant de son travail.
Votre oeuvre s’inscrit dans une volonté de tolérance, de liberté et de respect entre les différents citoyens du monde, ce que j’essaie d’inculquer à mes élèves ... et votre volonté de transmettre aux jeunes générations un message pacifiste et humain. Vous pouvez, si vous le désirez, nous rendre visite à l’école afin de voir où nous travaillons : vous serez la bienvenue.”
— T. Boile, Teacher, France
“ The class really enjoyed your teaching, talking about your art, and were impressed that they had met someone who had been up in the High Arctic!”
— A. Wilford, about the St John’s School's guided tour and discussion of the Here There, Now Then exhibition at the Royal Institution