Here There, Now Then is an ambitious exhibition, which combines an installation with textured paintings and mixed media works – small abstracts with computer components. It’s the work of visual artist, curator and author Zsuzsanna Ardó, and was hosted by the Royal Institution in Mayfair for most of March. This is a timely exhibition, leading to reflections on climate change.
— A. Oldham, Art Critic
It was exciting for the Royal Institution to host such an exhibition, both because the subject of science at the poles is becoming more relevant and the links that the installation had with Zsuzsanna’s hero, and mine, Michael Faraday.

It was great to host it right next to Faraday’s original lab, and to use an otherwise plain space for an art exhibition that intrigues and stimulates our audience.
— M. Davies, Public Programming, The Royal Institution
It’s a great idea to combine art and science in that way as you can access a wider audience, and it helps to get people thinking about the Arctic and climate in a way they might not have done before. Even little things like the way it was laid out made each separate aspect stand out as its own idea.
— R. Tilling, Arctic Scientist, University College London
This particular display is representative of what Google is about. The base of the artwork is the hardware, metal, hard, factual. On top of that layer are all the other things that make us what we are. Creative, passionate, engaging and of value to the world around us. Technology plus a special something equals more that technology alone can provide.
— P. Pellerzi, Google Engineer
It’s fantastic to have such artwork at the Royal Institution representing scientific principles and ideas. Firstly, it is a way of engaging a different audience, as some people appreciate and understand things better through art and images than words. But it is also good as a way of showing that art and science can work together incredibly well – they both are important parts of culture, especially here in the UK where we have a long history of both disciples.
— D. Waller, Public Programmes Manager, The Royal Institution
I would love to see your Arctic series in the flesh - it looks so tactile. I thought they were great and want to see more! It brings back memories of staring at cracks and bubbles in ice, and memories of flowing water.
— T. McCormack, Physicist, University College Dublin
Beautiful science art. An eye-catching exhibition, perfectly blending the beauty of art with the complexity and wonder of science.
— Z. Gamble, Science Communicator, Science Made Simple
It’s wonderful to have Zsuzsanna Ardó’s exhibition ‘Arctic Pillows’ at Google’s NYC office. The pieces beautifully bring together technological elements with layered paintings, encouraging reflection on the current state of the world and the role technology plays in it
— E. Bacon, Program Manager, Google
The colors are startling and alive; I love the textures.
— L. Osofsky, Writer
Il y a une réélle unité de la couleur. Ces tons qui se mêlaient, comme l’eau qui bouge et miroite à la lumière, me faisaient penser à l’écume... Il y avait aussi une grande pureté qui me touchait et donnait une idée d’une certaine fragilité.
There is a real unity of colours. These tones mingled, like water moves and shimmers in the light, reminded me of froth... There was also a sense of high purity that touched me and suggested certain fragility.
— M-P. Benoit Basset, Artist
These paintings are breathing.
— E. Lecam, Artist
Zsuzsanna Ardó has a fascinating way of pulling aspects of nature, disaster and philosophy together in a visually powerful way. Visiting Here There, Now Then, her exhibition about the Arctic at the Royal Institution inspired a new series of artworks by Hampstead School of Art students.
— I. H. Langtry, Principal, Hampstead School of Art
The boys really enjoyed talking with you and were impressed that they had met someone who had been up by the North Pole!
— A. Wilford, about the St John’s School's guided tour and discussion of the Here There, Now Then exhibition at the Royal Institution